
AI is MagIA // SNGULAR // Juantomás García

This talk is about explaining simple concepts from AI using card magic. Perhaps the first intent of finding the close relations between the young AI science and the old art of card magic.

It will be 6 AI concepts explained: What is a Data Domain, How it works GANs, Biased opinion, Transfer Learning in action, Life demo of the future had been written in the past, etc.

Is MagIA a technical talk? Yes, about 90%.

Is MagIA a magic show? Yes, about 85% of the content.

Is MagIA a stand-up show? Yes

Can we trust in the accuracy of the contents and your affirmations? Yes, you only need to have the same blind faith you used to have with the current AI state and Data Scientists.

Are the contents of the show suitable for kids? Yes, but I’m not sure if some Data Scientists will feel comfortable at all …

Are you serious about all this? Absolutely no, but instead we will have a lot of fun (or not).


Abr 02 2024




Talent Land 2024